A dopey looking slowpoke


i like cute things, y2k aesthetics, slowpoke, and retro games. some of my favorite games and anime are from the early 90's to the late 00's (bloodborne is my favorite game though). my biggest influences are gekidan inu curry, ac bu, medieval and renaissance-era christian art, and probably some other things that don't come to mind right now. i like art with a lot going on.

i've floated around for a few years doing different shit trying to figure out what I want; my degree is useless so i didn't really have a lot of options after college. i had some decent-paying shit jobs, but i realized that I don't really want to become a drone that makes a lot of money but at the cost of being spiritually dead.

i decided to go to grad school (lol) because i thought i had no other option. i realized that academia is not fun (and people in it are vile); a career working in higher education would be both stressful and unfulfilling so i quit. fortunately, i got to take programming courses during the two semesters i spent in grad school, and it's been a lot of fun so i'm trying to make a career of it.


this is like the fifth site i've made and the first one i've really invested any creativity into. in addition to being a personal page, it's also a sort of sandbox where i can test stuff. i'll add personal projects if it makes sense to put them here (i.e. i don't have to spend more than 30 minutes styling them for the iframe lol). i'm still learning HTML/CSS/JS so if things look a little jank that's why. pls no bully uwu

Fiend with glowing eyes

if u read this far... thanks!!

go home!